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SPi-V featured on VRMag

Just got word VRMag has launched their article about SPi-V and an interview with yours truly. Just in time for an update to version 1.2. I'm pretty chuffed with the article, especially since it contains some very flattering words by Landis Bennet (of World Wide Panorama fame), as well as Greg Downing:

SPi-V is the most exciting thing to happen in panoramic delivery since QuickTime 5 (the first version that would playback cubic panoramas). It holds tremendous potential in the way we deliver our media. The new capabilities are the kind of things that I have wanted to be able to do for years. Just the demos [Hoeben] has created so far are worth switching to this delivery media, and I am sure there will be more stunning examples soon as more artists dig into it.

There you go, now you know it... *BLUSH*

In related news, the luvely Quay Crispy told me she visited CES:

I showed you off during my session at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas last week...called you a smarty pants.

Enough bragging for now ;-)



Waah, dat is dan mijn broer, wat goed zeg, gefeliciteerd. Daar mag je best over opscheppen.